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Making pickled cucumbers

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Making pickled cucumbers

One of the things I grow a lot is cucumbers. Especielly the kind thats suitable for pickling.

Growing cucumbers is very gratefull since they give plenty of harvest without much work. My cucumbers grow the first part of the season in a plastic growhouse since the climate is somewhat shifty around here.

Since the plot of land I grow on is a bit of a drive, watering the cucumbers is my biggest challenge. Cucumbers want constant watering, without it the cucumbers become weirdly shaped and grow slowly.

Ugly cucumbers is not really an issue since I am using them for pickling though.


To prepare the cucumbers for pickling all I do is rinse them, cut of the tops and chop them into good bite sizes.

There are a bunch of different recipes for pickling, but my favourite is the classic one using Dill flowers and mustard seeds.

Chili pickled cucumbers

Chili cucumber

Easy to make chili pickled cucumbers consist of vinegar, sugar and water. To spice things up we add chili, salt and some white pepper grain.


Chop up 5 small cucumbers in whatever form you want and put them in a mason jar.

Bring the following mix to a boil in a pot.

0,5 dl 12% vinegar 1 dl sugar 1,5 dl water

Let it cool somewhat and pour it over a mason jar filled with cucumbers and some spices.

1 chopped chilis to taste. I use a red pepper like serrano. 1 teaspoon salt 10 white pepper grains.

Close the lid on the jar and keep it refrigerated. Use as a condiment on whatever!

Classic dill pickled cucumbers

For this one I use a classic 1-2-3 brine.


Bring the following to a boil in a pot and let it cool down while preparing the cucumbers.

1 dl 12% vinegar 2 dl sugar 3 dl water

Chop up the cucumbers in rings and put them in a mason jar.

Add some spices to make it even more delicious.

1-2 Dill flowers 1 tablespoon Dill seeds Mustard seeds

Poor the brine over the cucumbers and keep em in the refrigerator.